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Particles System
Gearbox has added various rain and snow effects to Condition Zero. They have also added material specific feedback effects. If you hit a tree, for example, a puff of dust will pop out and some wood will fly from the back. This is said to make the game look much better. If you've ever played Halo or Max Payne, you know how good this looks. Fire and smoke effects have been switched from plain sprites to newer particles. The result is much more realistic smoke and fire effects.

You can change the density and detail of particle effects to improve your framerate. This system was coded by Adrian of Valve, who programmed the first versions of Front Line Force. Believe you me, it looked great, so CS: CZ won't disappoint in t his department.

Level Design Tools
"[Gearbox] has also improved the level design tools, allowing for some more interesting geometric shapes, improved environment lighting, more accurate texture mapping, and more efficient building time. " (Thanks, CGOnline). More specifically, the VIS tool has been improved to handle larger environments. Many CZ maps don't use the standard skybox to actual modeled environments. My pals at even saw smoke come from the chimneys!

Gearbox will release these updated mapping tools to the public after the game is released.

Game Music & Sounds
Each episode in CS: CZwill have its own score. The music is being produced by Chris Jensen, the man behind the music of Half Life: Oppoosing Force. Every sound has been upgraded to 16-bit quality.

The current models are 750 polygons each. The ones in Condition Zero are 1,250 polygons each, meaning there's a 66% increase in the amount of polygons per model. All the models will have full lip-synching with the sounds and some facial animation to go with it. The skins on those models don't disappoint, either.

The new model system supports alpha blending. Along with RGB values in colors, systems that allow for 32-bit rendering have 8-bits set aside for an alpha channel, which controls attributes like transparency or opacity. A good use would be glass or eye-holes on a mask. This will be used in the "window" of the shield, which will actually hold glass. Another place it will be used, for sure, is the molotov cocktail. You'll be able to see inside the bottle and can see the liquid move around.

Condition Zero includes a level of detail system so the the high detail of models will be scaled down to the benefit of your framerate, while those with fast computers can experience full detail.

Since you can change the face, skin tone, and other attributes of a model, there are over 160 different combinations.

VGUI Updates
Not technology, per se, but the VGUI/buy menu has been given an update. First off, there's a new grenade option under the buy menu, as opposed to grenades being under the equipment option.

A new feature has been added to let you buy the same stuff you bought last round. If it only counts the primary weapon or if it counts everything in a round is unknown.

It's also unknown if the current VGUI in CS will be updated to the CS: CZ compatible. If that's the case, then the job of alias writers will be much easier. On a related note, if you buy the LAW you cannot own any other grenades. The LAW will fill the grenade slot (the 4 key).

As you'll find out later, this game uses the realistic PodBot (with heavy updates). With Condition Zero's AI, you can define specific characteristics such as small arms effectiveness, rifle effectiveness, demolitions usage, awareness sensibilities, and tactics. Furthermore, bots will learn dangerous and advantageous areas of a map and will either dodge or flock to the areas.

Bits & Pieces
Know the Half-Life shell that resizes your monitor for 640x480? Yes, it's annoying. Yes, it screws up ICQ and everything else. Yes, it's gone from Condition Zero. CZ now uses the engine to draw the shell/front-end, much like other modern games.

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