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About Cond. Zero

Rather than provide a narrative-type preview, we here at CS-Nation have opted to provide you with all the facts in an easy to read format. Note that this is compiled from various interviews and previews. Some things that are said are cryptic and certain previews directly conflict with other ones. As with everything, take the following with a grain of salt.

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is a full upgrade of Counter-Strike. It features a full single player suite and many technology upgrades.

Release Date
While Quarter 2 was given previously, late Summer, 2002 seems to be the current planned release date. August 14, 2002 is given at both and

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero will be sent to your normal computer and electronics stores, but those with broadband will be able to download the game using Valve's Steam. It will put more money in the developer's pocket and will actually take less time to install than a CD-ROM. On top of all that, it's instant--no going to a store, no waiting for a pre-order to arrive. Instant. The cons are that internet downtime means you simply can't play your game and narrowband users are simply out of luck (and will have to get the CD-ROM version). Hopefully a .PDF manual or somesuch will be sent with the game over Steam.

Originally the game was developed by Rogue. They made some fairly questionable design decisions (and the company was falling apart), so Valve Software, Half-Life developers and current maintainers of Counter-Strike, took the project under their wings. After just a few weeks, they then shipped it to Gearbox.

Gearbox, based in Dallas, Texas, is known for their ability to create games using the Half-Life engine. They have made Opposing Force and Blue Shift, both add-ons to Half-Life. Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is their first separate game (if you don't count the Half-Life ports to the Dreamcast and the Playstation 2), but it does, of course, use the Half-Life engine. The project manager of Gearbox is Randy Pitchford.

This is not Counter-Strike 2. It's not a sequel, more of a retail extension. It will not contain a suicide belt, a blow dart, or a yogurt cannon. The original "weapons" were a joke (read: stupid ideas) and were cut when Valve and Gearbox took the project into their hands.

The multiplayer will not be exclusive to people who purchase the game. Indeed, Condition Zero will use the same CS we all play. Eventually, Valve and Co. will add updates to CS to feature most (if not all) CZ weapons and what-not.

System Requirements
Randy Pitchford stated that if you are able to run Counter-Strike well on your computer, CS: CZshould run fine. Even with the upgrades, Gearbox has added a level of detail system so you won't drop FPS unless you can afford to.

info by cs nation